Short Answer Ambassadors
Intro Hello there, my name is Adam Sparks. My wife Alexa and I are the creators of Short Answer! First, we want to say thank
Intro Hello there, my name is Adam Sparks. My wife Alexa and I are the creators of Short Answer! First, we want to say thank
Short Answer in Texas Welcome Texas educators! Short Answer’s approach is a particularly good fit in schools that teach the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills
When we lead professional development with schools at Short Answer, we often open with a controversial statement: Peer-to-peer feedback can be just as effective as
The case against rubrics “Why don’t you give students rubrics when they provide peer feedback in Short Answer?” It’s a question we hear often from
An Inflection Point for K12 Writing K12 writing instruction is at an important inflection point. New AI tools like ChatGPT have turned long-held practices upside
What is an AI Prompt? An AI “prompt” is a written directive given to an AI model (e.g. ChatGPT) instructing it to generate a specific
Tips for Creating Questions Open-Ended: Use open-ended questions or writing prompts (see image below) to develop students’ writing ability and content knowledge in Short Answer.
Meet Battle Royale Battle Royale is Short Answer’s newest activity type. Watch the video and read the description below to find out more about how
Writing Assessment for an AI Infused World 2023 marks the first full school year in which students have access to powerful artificial intelligence tools like
Presentation Resources 1. Presentation Slides 2. Socrative 3. Short Answer All-In Tutorial Pair-It Tutorial 4. Poe.AI 5. Google Slides Activity (LIVE DEMO LINK) 6. Google