Short Answer Plans
Yearly plans save almost 50% compared to monthly
Take the first step with Short Answer $0
per year- Unlimited question launches
- All-In, Pair-It, & Battle Royale Activities
- 5 question save limit
- 3 feedback criteria limit
- No open feedback options for students
- No student response exports
Maximize Short Answer's impact in your class $ 75 per year
- Unlimited question launches
- All-In, Pair-It, & Battle Royale Activities
- Unlimited questions saves
- Unlimited feedback criteria
- Open feedback options for students
- Export student responses to PDF
- Teacher question sharing options
- AI sentence stems scaffolds
- AI outlining scaffolds
- AI translation scaffolds
- Immersive Reader support
- Coming soon: AI feedback & scoring
- Coming soon: Standards attachments
Group Plan
Maximize Short Answer's impact in your school Custom Pricing
- Everything in Premium, plus:
- Bundled PD & training
- School wide, 1-1 Customer Support
Best deal