Find funding for Short Answer
Securing funding to enhance your cross-curricular writing initiatives is both achievable and important. Below are the common methods that instructional leaders use to obtain funding for Short Answer.
Access grant opportunities to support your cross-curricular literacy goals

National programs like NEA’s Student Success Grant Program, state level initiatives like the Texas Education Agency’s Instructional Materials and technology allotments (IMTA), and local school foundations or Go-Fund-Me initiatives combine to provide many funding opportunities to support teachers.
Our team has prepared resources to help expedite your application for grant funding at any level.
Utilize Title 1 funds to support school-wide literacy initiatives
Title 1 schools can purchase tech to help improve educational outcomes for Title 1 eligible students.
If your school is designated as Title 1, or if a segment of your student population is eligible for Title 1, these funds can be deployed to equip educators with Short Answer to raise student achievement through improved cross-curricular literacy.

Leverage Title II funds to enhance professional development opportunities.
Title II funds are designated for professional development that is classroom-centric, evidence-based, data-driven, collaborative, and integrated directly into daily tasks.
Short Answer offers holistic, writing-focused professional development and workshops that check all of these boxes. School-wide access to Short Answer can be bundled as a workshop resource to actualize the learning principles discussed within.
Use Title III funding for Short Answer to support multilingual students
Title III funding can be allocated for supplementary programs and services to English learner (EL) students with a goal of acquiring English and meeting graduation goals.
EL students gain from increased literacy practice through writing across the curriculum, making Short Answer a great fit for these funds.
Consult your district’s academic services division to find out if there’s an available grant you can use. We’ve drafted text below that might help expedite this grant application process.
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