The Short Answer team is advised by Dr. Dylan Wiliam. Our app utilizes his and Paul Black's framework for formative assessment shown to improve pedagogical practices and student achievement
"Last night, I was at the music program, and across the gym, one of my 4th graders yells 'We're doing Short Answer tomorrow right?!' They want to write, it's crazy!"
"I've taught for 11 years now and I've never used a learning tool this intuitive. It's just a great way to get my students writing in math, which is otherwise pretty tough."
" My kids love Short Answer. I teach all levels and they would truly do it every day. It's the best motivator I've seen for getting middle schoolers to WANT to write WELL! "
"This is a great resource. I used it last year in my English classes, and my students loved it. They enjoyed it so much that did not mind the actual writing assignment."
"Short Answer is a great way to have my students see their peers' responses and maybe pick up some good habits from better writers. Discussing why the person who wins is great for showcasing good writing habits."
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