Improving Feedback Presentation Resources

Improving Feedback

Presentation Resources 1. Presentation Slides 2. Socrative 3. Short Answer All-In Tutorial Pair-It Tutorial 4. Poe.AI 5. Google Slides Activity (LIVE DEMO LINK) 6. Google Slides Activity Template (Click File–>Make a Copy to save your own) 7. Dr. Dylan Wiliam’s Embedded Formative Assessment 8. Kluger & Denisi 1996 Study on Feedback

A New, Evidence-Based Decision Making AI Tool for Educators

Picture of a stack of research journals

There is clearly a lot of angst surrounding AI in education at the moment. Many folks are excited, but just as many are nervous. As one English teacher put it in our Short Answer Teacher Community recently, “It’s all moving SO fast. I’m having a hard time keeping up!” New tools seem to come out every […]