Gamified writing for any subject

Build better K12 writers through social, engaging writing activities.

Teachers love Short Answer.

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Explore how it works...

Typing on computer

Enhance writing across the curriculum

Get students writing in any class by embedding writing into existing practices


Save hours of grading with immediate peer feedback

Authentic Audience

Engage students with an authentic audience for their work


Enable dozens of in-the-moment writing exemplars

students talking

Unlock the power of peer feedback

Improve understanding together through social, gamified, peer-to-peer writing activities.

Create authentic writing activities in the age of ChatGPT

Engage students with bite sized, in-class writing activities that allow for better control of AI's influence on student writing.

Student learning
Social Learning

Develop the writer, not just the writing

Two hands holding a heart

Develop the ability to recognize others' strengths

Taking others' perspectives

Foster respect for different perspectives

Two hands holding

Instill the empathy necessary to give and receive feedback effectively

Build 4C Skills

Practice communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity through social, engaging writing activities.

Image of Students working together on a computer

Create a more social, effective classroom in minutes.



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