"My students enjoy using Short Answer and comparing their writing to others. I've noticed a drastic improvement in my students' writing by using Short Answer on a regular basis."
"Last night, I was at the music program. Across the gym, one of my 4th graders yells 'We're doing Short Answer tomorrow right?!' They want to write, it's crazy!"
" My kids love Short Answer. I teach all levels and they would truly do it every day. It's the best motivator I've seen for getting middle schoolers to WANT to write WELL! "
"I've taught for 11 years now and I've never used a learning tool this intuitive. It's just a great way to get my students writing in math, which is otherwise pretty tough."
" I wanted to let you know that one of my students who struggles sooo much with motivation and focus to write is typing away on his computer right now and writing multiple sentences for the first time all year - your product is truly making a difference!!"
"For years, I have been looking for a way to promote writing in my mathematics class. Short Answer has been the perfect solution..it has dramatically improved my students' writing and increased their engagement."
"Short Answer is a great way to have my students see their peers' responses and pick up on good habits from stronger writing. Discussing why the person who wins is great for showcasing good writing habits."
"This is a great resource. I used it last year in my English classes, and my students loved it. They enjoyed it so much that did not mind the actual writing assignment."
"My students' responses have been more detailed and more reflective since using this app...It has been a confidence booster for my students.
Meet Short Answer
Explore how it works...
Enhance writing across the curriculum
Get students writing in any class by embedding writing into existing practices
Save hours of grading with immediate peer feedback
Engage students with an authentic audience for their work